As postgraduate students, we do have distance learning modules, the easy aims to reflect on our experience with distance learning, what are the problems related to this, how we can manage stress and limited time to finish other assignment and task, what also the effect of COVID-19 in decreasing our performance. i want to show in the assignment that the postgraduate (Master) study is stressful and a lot of assignments and limited time, hard to manage time especially in the last three months of the master because we are working on assignments and the dissertation (thesis), also talk about the effect of covid-19. i have attached a word file explaining everything, a lecture of about reflection. please make sure to engage all this with evidence. and do not write more than 1200 words. if you have questions contact me.
A Reflection on Distance Learning
Students are increasingly turning to distance learning for their educational needs. Online learning is studying through the internet, in which students attend lessons without being physically present for the class. Notably, most of the world’s top-ranked institutions offer distance learning, especially when they have satellite campuses in other regions. Due to the rapid advancement in technology, I feel that people can study online at different levels of education. Fresen (2018) avers that through the internet, students can enroll in various courses, including undergraduate, masters, and post-graduate. In my case, as a post-graduate nursing student, distance learning allows me to study remotely at a university of my choice. Considerably, studying online allows me to have a flexible schedule based on my needs and activities, and I can advance in my nursing career, as advised by Mausz and Tavares (2017). Despite these advantages, I struggle to study online, especially during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, amid pressure with work, classes, assignments, and my thesis, to which I reflect using John’s (1994) model.
John’s 1994 Model
Reflecting in a structured manner ensures that processes and activities are put into consideration. Particularly, John’s Structured Model of 1994 influences focus on self where it is easy to concentrate on emotions and their role in achieving certain goals. Notably, the framework allows an individual to focus on what is important and the related aesthetics such that it shapes the response to various activities and events. My choice of the model is that it centralizes the person, ethics, knowledge, and reflexivity, where I am able to connect to my experiences and the surroundings. Specifically, the person and the ethics ensures that my feelings are put in context and are examined in relation to ethics while empirics and reflexivity influence the knowledge to connect feelings. Indeed, I believe John (1994) is the best model as it will ensure that I analyse online learning experiences and the effects of Covid 19 on the same, especially at a time when modules are intensive.
Action Plan
Description of the Event
In my opinion, I find studying full-time to be very engaging. Notably, a post-graduate degree in nursing involves several modules per semester, hence requiring extensive study time per week. Viberg and Grönlund (2017) concur that the modules are engaging, especially when undertaking the projects. As a result, I have several deadlines to meet, especially when submitting assignments, which I am determined to complete in time. However, sometimes I fail to be timely since I am always engaged with work, especially at this time when the Covid-19 pandemic is ongoing and overwhelming the healthcare industry where I am stationed. Dumford, and Miller (2018) argue that it is not easy to consult colleagues since they are also busy, and there is physical distance to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Indeed, I have recently felt like my life is confined to nursing work, school projects, and multiple modules.
Reflecting on Distance Learning
Learning when there is a Worldwide Pandemic
Learning the best way to manage online classes and the thesis is difficult for me, especially during the ongoing pandemic. Specifically, I have to work on a dissertation, which requires so much of my time. Furthermore, I cannot easily access the relevant information required to complete the thesis since the libraries are closed and are not fully digitized or updated, as Arthur-Nyarko, Agyei, and Armah (2020) recommend; thus, I have to rely mostly on online sources, which are inadequate. Besides, most of our lecturers are doctors and nurses; the covid-19 pandemic has made it difficult for me to interact with them, as they are the front-liners in the fight against coronavirus. As a result, when I need assistance or clarifications on the thesis, I have minimal to no support from my instructors or peers. Notably, Steele (2020) argues that access to moral support helps students to accomplish their goals and academic success. Indeed, as I work to advance in my nursing career, I find the program challenging, especially this semester.
In my observation, while schools in the world are closed to curb the spread of COVID-19, distance learning has become an alternative to continue with the regular school program. However, I concur with Reich et al. (2020) that the school workload has increased, resulting in high pressure on students to complete assignments with minimal support. As a post-graduate student, I find it difficult to do my assignment at home due to various distractions. Notably, it is difficult to complete schoolwork, such as course work, exams, and school projects, especially when studying alone. Such an experience is better explained by Alexander et al. (2020), who state that it is challenging to learn when the teacher-students and students-to-students interactions are missing. Therefore, I struggle with most of the school work, especially the completion of school projects, which requires consultation from different quarters. Dumford and Miller (2018) argue that while online engagement is beneficial, it is not always good as there are poor quality of interactions such that they do not result in educational success. Therefore, due to the lack of exam preparations, there is internal doubt about whether I will graduate at the stipulated time owing to the possibility of not doing well in my exams.
Influencing Factors
The novel Corona Virus, also known as Covid-19, began in China and spread to the rest of the world fast. Notably, the disease is highly infectious and can spread from person to person through touch and by breathing nasal and mouth droplets that are released when people sneeze or talk (World Health Organization n.d.). In addition, the virus also remains on surfaces for significant periods of time, which makes them also carriers of the virus from one individual to another. The viruses attack the respiratory system and the rate of complications varies from one patient to another depending on immunity and the presence of underlying conditions (World Health Organization n.d.). As a result, social gatherings were banned, which included educational institutions as they held several people at the same time, which could increase the rate of infections within a population (World Health Organization n.d.). Notably, world health organizations and governments emphasize social and physical distancing as a primary method of preventing and curbing the spread of covid-19. Ultimately, educational institutions devised and opted to use distance learning as the alternative to physical classes at the university. Therefore, as a nurse and a student in the frontline of battling the pandemic, distance learning is the best option.
Alternative Strategies
In different circumstances, being present in a physical class with my instructors and peers would have been easy. Notably, I would have collaborated with all of them to complete my assignments and begin my thesis in time without feeling like I am always in a rush to be somewhere else. The access to the library would have added to an easy experience as I would have diverse resources to assist in most of my school work and in a timely manner. I have also noticed that environments also matter as Ferri et al., 2018 advises that a change from the hospital and home settings signal to my brain that I am in a different space where I need to concentrate and learn through various avenues. As a result, being able to physically socialize and change spaces would have solved various challenges associated with distance learning as I would not be in a transition period from physical learning to virtual education.
Lessons Learned
Due to the pandemic, there are various strategies I have adopted to cope with the distance learning challenges. I have realized that adopting Alzamanan’s (2017) recommended means of communications, such as WhatsApp, with my schoolmates and lectures, has significantly facilitated the sharing of information, which is crucial to school tasks, thus providing clarifications in some of the school’s demanding tasks. Consequently, it has enhanced the completion of my assignments on time, which in turn reduces the pressure and stress that comes with a piled workload. Furthermore, apps, such as Skype and Zoom, have provided a smooth flow of communication from the lecturers to the students, in which Dong et al. (2018) aver that it is possible to receive guidance and clarification of a school project in real-time. Hence, I have recognized the importance of communication and the enabling applications in seeking clarification from my fellow students and lecturers.
As COVID-19 has resulted in most of the schools opting for online study, I have learned to overcome challenges associated with distance learning, such as distractions. In future, if such a thing ever reoccurs, I will adopt Reimers and Schleicher’s (2020) recommendation of developing a to-do list to assist with the tracking of my assignments and classes. Mausz and Tavares (2017) recommend additional measures, such as turning off alerts, dividing school projects into smaller tasks, finding a silent place during my studies, to help with my understanding of content as well as increasing my efficiency. Therefore, eventually, I will examine my skills at the end of every achievement, which will play a significant role of being my motivation factor while doing my assignments. Clark (2020) argues that in future online learning will create and sustain a robust learning experience such that I can adopt easily and succeed just like in a traditional setting. Indeed, it is important to complete assignments early to maintain discipline, remain motivated, and reduce stress.
Reference List
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Dong, C., Jia, H. and Wang, C 2018, ‘Unsupervised learning for sematic representation of short text’, In 2018 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS) (pp. 475-478). IEEE.
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