Research Design
The project will use a qualitative research design. The study will interview Muscat International Airport Managers, staff, and other stakeholders to understand the crisis management process the Airport engaged in developing the recovery process. Qualitative data collection through interviews portends a natural way of finding information from the sample participant about a phenomenon (Tomaszewski et al. 4). Qualitative research design is critical in establishing answers on how airports approach crisis management differently. The focus is to define the subjective parameters of the respondents and gather findings in a narrative format. The study will examine variables of COVID 19, the impact on the Airport, crisis management initiatives, and the recovery process.
The study will rely on interviews with the participants at Muscat International Airport. The focus on interviews is to ensure that the qualitative design principles help the researcher understand the intersection between variables of the COVID 19 pandemic and the Airport’s crisis management approaches. The participant will reveal their interpretation of Muscat International Airport’s crisis management. Also, the interview is an appropriate method that allows the researcher to gain detailed information about the variables under the study.
The study will rely on the heterogeneous sampling technique. The researcher will select participants based on personal judgment. The choice of participants in the survey will follow the purpose of the study to compare the recovery process and the crisis management in Muscat International Airport during the COVID 19 pandemic. For this reason, the researcher will have prior knowledge about the study’s goals to aid in adequately choosing eligible participants. As a result, the researcher will select a particular subset of people as all participants will be employees of Muscat International Airport or Abu Dhabi International Airport.
The study’s target population will comprise employees and managers of Muscat International Airports. The researcher will conduct personal interviews with individuals working in the Muscat International Airport. In essence, the interview guide will describe issues of the COVID 19 pandemic and the crisis management strategies that informed the recovery process. The respondent will enjoy the liberty of answering the questions themselves or coordinating with other staff to respond. The sample will demonstrate the convenience since the Airport staff will respond to the interview through emails with the survey link. For this reason, the interview will target five managers from every Airport to help measure the crisis management and recovery process components after COVID 19 pandemic.
Through the tenets of random sampling, the researcher will distribute the interview schedules to five participants from the organizations. The interview will run for a month to capture the general perception, narrative, and attitudes of the organizational recovery strategies after the COVID 19 crisis. All these will reveal the multiple realities within the principles of purposive sampling.
Data Collection Method
The study will utilize an interview survey to collect data. The researcher will employ the personal interviewing technique to obtain the intended objectives. The primary reason for this approach is that such a method helps achieve versatile communication with the respondents (Ishtiaq 40). As a result, it gives guidance in achieving the research objectives.
The primary data source will involve careful planning of the variables the researcher seeks to analyze to understand the comparative elements of the recovery process of Muscat International Airport and other airports during the COVID 19 pandemic. Interview informs a method of collecting data by interviewing people working in Muscat International Airport with knowledge about the crisis management approaches the Airport utilized in the COVID 19 recovery process. Data from the interview is critical in helping the researcher to understand the dimensions of crisis management, the principles of recovery strategies, and the challenges that airports face in implementing their crisis management models. Therefore, interviews in collecting data are practical tools for understanding the in-depth dynamics that airports face in their quest to remain productive amid COVID 19 pandemic.
Data from the interview will correlate with the findings from literature within the objectivist approach. Thus, this applies to the framework of qualitative research that will allow the researcher to access the participants’ thoughts, opinions, and narratives in a humanistic, phenomenological, and interpretivist approach (Johnson et al. 141). The human perspective of the interview will help the researcher interview the sample population and document their perception, understanding, and feelings when interpreting the crisis management phenomenon.
Data Analysis
Data analysis will utilize content and thematic assessment. The researcher will analyze the emerging themes from the interviews under the guidelines of the variables to examine the relationship between COVID 19 pandemic and the efforts that Muscat International Airport used in managing the crisis. Therefore, the data analysis will dwell on the interpretive measures to test the hypothesis and apply the emerging correlation of different variables. The analysis will utilize a descriptive approach to create tables and investigate the differences and similarities in the recovery process initiatives that Muscat International Airport and other airports used. For this reason, the researcher will code the responses from the interview in themes based on the study’s objectives. The focus on content analysis will guide the researcher in tabulating the findings. Therefore, the study will evaluate the variables under the phenomenon of the study through different thematic concerns that emerge from the previous studies. The approach will help examine the demographic factors to ensure consistency in answering the research questions.
The focus on thematic and content analysis is to understand the historical and case study aspects of the recovery process that various airports used to address the crisis that COVID 19 caused. Data analysis will utilize a model that recognizes the different thematic elements that render credence to investigating crisis management approaches those different airports used to recover from the COVID 19 crisis. Therefore, the data analysis model will help establish interview deductions under the guidelines of the study’s objectives and the premise of the researcher. Accordingly, the researcher will arrange data according to the major themes that support the comparison of Muscat and Abu Dhabi International Airport crisis management and recovery processes after the COVID 19 pandemic. Microsoft Excel will be useful in generating tables that help disseminate the findings from the survey interview.
Ethical Considerations
The researcher will ensure that ethical guidelines inform the data collection process. While the interview will collect demographic data, aspects of personal details that will reveal the respondent’s identity will not feature in the interviews. As a result, this will seek to enhance the confidentiality issues of the participants. For this reason, the researcher will ensure that they preserve the participant’s anonymity. Also, participants will agree to the electronic version of informed consent before taking the survey. The significance of this exercise is to ensure that data are credible because the participants will have agreed to take part in the study.
Works Cited
Ishtiaq, Muhammad. “Book Review Creswell, JW (2014). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.” English Language Teaching 12.5 (2019): 40.
Johnson, Jessica L., Donna Adkins, and Sheila Chauvin. “A review of the quality indicators of rigor in qualitative research.” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 84.1 (2020).
Tomaszewski, Lesley Eleanor, Jill Zaretsky, and Elsa Gonzalez. “Planning qualitative research: design and decision making for new researchers.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods 19 (2020): 1609406920967174.