In prison, violence is at the center stage just like any other part of the society. However, the violence is not as active as those in the outside world, but the effects are far reaching. There are different categories under which the prison violence falls. From these classes, the gang oriented aggression is one the most serious violence. Prison gang fighting usually occurs after longtime disputes between two or more groups. The row is a result of disrespect or violation of territories.
The prison gangs are based on race, blood, region, issue, or religion. Therefore, prison gang violence is much more liberal than what is experienced out here in the free world whenever two groups clash. The gang-oriented hostility is the most serious aggression that may occur in prison given that it involves a considerable number of individuals. In most cases, the violence normally leads to serious injuries and death as every group seeks to earn the respect and maintain its status in prison.
The prison administration has tried to come up with ways to break up the prison gangs to avoid the violence. However, most of the plans do not materialize. Since the prison gangs identify themselves using certain signs and mostly tattoos, it would be important to ban any tattooing within the prison premises. For those who already have tattoos and have a similarity, it would be wise to separate them and place them in different sections. Also, the prison could completely separate the members who have a similar affiliation by transferring them to different prisons. By ensuring that the groups have nothing in common they can identify with, this may play a significant role in dismantling the prison gangs and hence avoiding the deadly prison violence.
Survival Tips for Beginners
Every correction center has its survival tips established by the prisoners themselves. However, there are those guidelines that apply almost in every prison. The tips will assist a prisoner, especially the first timers from getting in trouble with the prison administration and fellow inmates.
- Never Snitch. The secrets of what happens should not be reported to the authority since it would put one under the risk of being attacked and in worst cases killed for betraying the other prisoners.
- Do not gamble. It is wise not to engage in gambling to avoid being in debt with other prisoners, a situation that at times may lead to violence. Additionally, one would get in trouble with the prison authority leading to punishments.
- Never loan anyone anything. This will ensure that you do not get into fights while trying to get your property back.
- Mind your own business. Do not engage yourself in matters that do not concern you as this may get you in fights, which may cause injuries, grudges or even death.
- Pick your friends carefully. Some of the prisoners belong to certain groups or gangs, and whenever there is a conflict, you may be required to side with them, thus becoming a potential target depending on the friends you choose.
- Fight and fight dirty. Where fight breaks out in prison, it is important to fight dirty as this will earn you respect and make potential attackers fearful.
- Make no eye contact. Sometimes looking at a fellow inmate directly may communicate a different message that may be interpreted wrongly and may lead to a fight.
- Do not talk to the staff. Talking to staff, especially in the presence of fellow inmates may be seen as snitching thus making one a target for an assailant.
- Commit an honorable crime. Commit a crime that will not get you in trouble with the prison authority to avoid the punishments. The crime should also not involve or harm a fellow prisoner.
- Keep a good porn collection. Having pornographic materials in prison is illegal, but it would not get you in serious trouble, especially with fellow inmates, consequently they may develop a friendship.
I have ranked the survival tips in the order of the most serious to the least, which will ensure that a new prisoner does not get into trouble. If a new inmate follows these tips and avoid the most serious as I have ranked them, he/she is likely to lead a smooth prison life. The tips will guide a new prisoner and ensure that he/she is not harmed by fellow inmates or get in trouble with the prison rules and regulations.