Decades ago, ethical compliance codes were not a prerequisite in the field of behavior analysis. Hence, practitioners relied on their judgement to develop independent behavioral change programs. However, some of the programs were inadequate because they caused significant harm to patients. This led to the development of ethical codes that govern behavior analysts today. Although codes keep changing, they are vital to one’s practice because they offer protection against legal penalties and facilitate the overall well-being of clients.
Having a set of ethical compliance codes is essential for purposes of clients’ welfare and protection against legal suits. As observed by Bailey and Burch (2016), the practical guides “prevent any future systematic abuses in the name of behavior modification” (8). The ethics make provisions of the required conduct among behavior analyst to protect clients’ well-being. The codes are also necessary because they guide practitioners on the way to deal effectively with conflicting matters that arise during practice to avoid legal sanctions. For instance, section 7.0 of the BACB professional and ethical compliance codes directs behavior analysts on how to deal with legal and ethical violations to protect themselves against legal suits (“Behavior Analyst,” 2014). Therefore, having the guide is necessary for legal protection and facilitation of clients’ overall well-being.
My plans for studying the BACB professional and ethical compliance code is to have a deeper understanding of my obligation towards clients, colleagues, BACB, and the law. To achieve this initiative, I purpose to follow the study plan below.
Description | How conversant am I with the content?
(Scale of 1-10) |
What do I need to learn? | What resources can I use? |
Behavior analyst responsibility: To clients | Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analyst | ||
To Colleagues | Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analyst | ||
To BACB | Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analyst | ||
To the law | Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analyst |
“Behavior Analyst Certification Board.” (2014). Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. Littleton, CO.
Bailey, J., & Burch, M. (2016). Ethics for behavior analyst. New York, NY: Routledge.