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Part 1: Research a minimum of four articles regarding group norms and conformity. Explain how both conformers and non-conformers influence the group. Explain the consequences of not having either type of group member in any given group.
Part 2: Identify and explain two ways that human resources professionals can support managers. Identify and explain two ways that controllers can support managers. Why is it important for managers to work collaboratively with controllers, human resource professionals and other internal stakeholders and leaders within the company?
Organizational Behavior
Part 1: Conformity and Nonconformity
The influence of conformity and nonconformity on teams remains controversial. However, some theorists, such as Hollander (1978), argue that conformity and nonconformity to group norms affect group behavior and performance (cited in Ridgeway, 1981). According to the author, prior conformity improves status that supports influence. He adds that status and influence emanate from task competence, external status traits, and perceived motivation. Conformity and nonconformity influence the group through competence and motivation. For example, individuals who perceive high competence and motivation are likely to conform to group norms that affect group performance. Thus, individuals who lack the two tend to be nonconformers and might go against group norms. Conformers are most likely to comply with group norms, such as organizational policies, than nonconformers (Golann, 2018). However, forcing nonconformers to comply with group norms can cause negative behavior (Bélanger et al., 2017). Thus, managers should understand the influence of the two groups to manage them appropriately for positive performance outcomes.
Managers expect their employees to comply with team norms, although it might sometimes fail due to nonconformers’ presence. Conformity depends on everyone’s convergence on a similar strategy, such as maintaining the road’s left side while driving (Grueneisen et al., 2014). However, it is possible to have a group without any of the two, which affects group performance. Managers working with conformers take advantage of compliance with group norms to improve performance while managing nonconformers to enhance their compliance. For example, they can provide adequate information to nonconformers to comply with social behavior. Thus, managers face a challenge when their groups lack either of the two groups since they cannot know how to manage such teams to generate positive performance.
Part 2: Human Resource Management
Human resources professionals are critical assets in organizations since they help managers to achieve business goals. One way that the professionals help managers is by hiring the right human capital to work for the organization and support its vision. Human resource managers identify the skills gap in their companies and fill them with the right talent. Another help from the management professionals is developing good leadership skills necessary to the group mission. Human resource managers train employees to develop talents aligned with organizational objectives.
Controllers are professionals who manage and coordinate the planning and financial control functions in organizations. Controllers can support managers in two ways. First, they ensure effective planning and financial management to achieve organizational goals. They ease the managers’ work through effective planning, task and resource allocation, and ensuring that employees understand their roles and targets. Secondly, they evaluate performance results and understand them to support ongoing quality improvement (Wolf et al., 2015). Thus, organizations that focus on success should invest in controllers to improve their performance and productivity.
For positive organizational outcomes, managers should work collaboratively with controllers, human resource professionals, and other internal stakeholders and leaders to achieve organizational goals. The various internal stakeholders have diverse leadership skills and qualities that contribute to organizational efficiency and success. Therefore, collaborative effort helps each person to contribute their input towards the common goal. Besides, collaboration enhances cohesiveness to allow the different individuals and groups to work together for the common good without conflicts. An organization where managers work together with other stakeholders achieves positive results due to the shared focus and contribution amid diversity. Thus, managers should improve collaboration to improve performance and productivity.
Bélanger, F., Collignon, S., Enget, K., & Negangard, E. (2017). Determinants of early conformance with information security policies. Information & Management, 54(7), 887-901.
Golann, J. W. (2018). Conformers, adaptors, imitators, and rejecters: How no-excuses teachers’ cultural toolkits shape their responses to control. Sociology of Education, 91(1), 28-45.
Grueneisen, S., Wyman, E., & Tomasello, M. (2015). Conforming to coordinate: Children use majority information for peer coordination. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33(1), 136-147.
Ridgeway, C. L. (1981). Nonconformity, competence, and influence in groups: A test of two theories. American Sociological Review, 333-347.
Wolf, S., Weißenberger, B. E., Wehner, M. C., & Kabst, R. (2015). Controllers as business partners in managerial decision-making. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change.