This discussion has three parts.
One function of a leader is to provide the vision for the organization that they lead. Being a role model and leading the way forward are important aspects of leadership.
1.If you were leading an Internet retailer or another organization that involves innovative technology and organizational flexibility, describe the process that you would use to create a vision for the organization.
2.How would you get the employees involved in the vision?
3.Describe how the process would differ between an Internet retailer and a brick and mortar retailer.
The source to be used I attached and name it Unit 3:
The actual site is : Bondy, K., & Starkey, K. (2014). The dilemmas of internationalization: Corporate social responsibility in the multinational corporation. British Journal Of Management, 25(1), 4-22. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2012.00840.x
Unit 3 Discussion Board Mgmt310
Leaders need to provide a vision for their organizations to act as a practical guide for the plans and activities undertaken by subordinates and other stakeholders. However, creating a vision can vary from one firm to another, depending on the nature of the business. Therefore, if I were a leader in an internet retailer, I would use the process of maximum stakeholder engagement to create a vision for the organization and get the employees involved in it through communication to ensure that everyone is focused on a common purpose.
A process of maximum stakeholder engagement would be the most appropriate for creating a vision for the organization, considering its online-based nature of operations. Most notably, the process would involve creating a draft of the vision in collaboration with all the stakeholders of the organization (Bondy & Starkey, 2014). Arguably, the world of internet retailing keeps changing as a result of new technological innovation and the emergence of unique consumer preferences. Therefore, developing a vision amidst such unprecedented changes would require the contribution of views and consideration of beliefs and values of all involved stakeholders, notably employees and the potential consumers.
However, it is worth noting that the process of creating a vision for an internet retailer would vary significantly from that of a brick and mortar retailer based on engagement. Most notably, unlike an internet retailer than has limited stakeholders, a physical store may have numerous employees and stakeholders. This aspect may constrain the involvement of all organizational members in creating a vision. As such, the process of creating a vision for the physical store would mainly involve minimal engagement, whereby a vision is first drafted and taken to members for review.
Regardless of the process utilized in crafting the vision, it is vital to get the employees involved in it, for the purpose of having a successful company. Among strategies that might be used to get the employees involved in the vision is the use of communication. Notably, communicating with employees about their roles and the manner in which they fit in the broader organizational goals can encourage them to be highly involved in the created vision.
Bondy, K., & Starkey, K. (2014). The dilemmas of internationalization: Corporate social responsibility in the multinational corporation. British Journal of Management, 25(1), 4-22.