Submit a two page, double spaced essay, describing the artifacts and décor in your bedroom. What nonverbal messages are being conveyed by the items you have on display in your private quarters? What messages are being communicated about you and what you value and consider worthy of possession? What images do you have on display that may tell a stranger who and what you love? Does your room communicate that you are a person that is highly conscientious or lackadaisical? Please submit your well written paper right here!
Nonverbal Communication via Décor
My bedroom is one of my private spaces, and I like spending time alone there. In fact, it is one of the places that I dislike distractions, and I know I can spend time there thinking, meditating, or just relaxing. As I worked on this assignment, I realized that I am very careful about selecting the furniture and décor for the bedroom. I want to be comfortable with the things that occupy my private space. Some of the things in the bedroom are the bed, mattress and other beddings, clothes valet, air conditioner, bedside lamp, bedside table, chest of drawers/dresser, dressing table, mirror, ironing board, curtains, picture, TV, Wall Décor, a study table and table lamp, and nightstand. While they might appear to be the usual stuff in the bedroom, I have discovered that they communicate a more important message about me than I had imagined.
The items in the bedroom send the message that the space is my sanctuary. For example, with all the things in the room, it means that I can spend even the entire day reading or watching TV from my bedroom. The items also send the message that I value my privacy, which is why the room is almost self-contained. One of the things that I feel as if it speaks to me is the key on the door. I am happy that I can open and lock the room any time I want with that key. For example, when watching a favorite show and I don’t want any disruption, I normally lock the room and remain inside. The message being communicated about me is that I value my privacy.
I have some wall décor and important photos in the room that can tell a stranger a lot about me. One of the most important photos in my room is that of my parents. The pictures have been on the bedroom wall for many years. Hence, if a stranger enters the room, they can tell that I adore my parents. I subscribe to the school of thought as Giuliani that the bedroom is a memory container (137). I also have a personal photo since it completes my sanctuary. I also have some paintings that communicate my love for art. I also have a neatly arranged room, showing that I am an organized person. I hate clutter and will spend hours arranging the room to look neat and organized. I have organized my books on the study, which shows my love for reading. A stranger can tell me the types of books I like reading.
On entering my room, it is possible to tell that I am a highly conscientious person. I am determined to make things in order. Thus, regardless of how busy I get, I still find time to organize my personal space. I like the room in order, so I dislike people entering there since they could easily clutter it. I prefer meeting people in other parts of the house, but not in my bedroom. They might invade my personal space and leave it disorganized if they are the lackadaisical type. Those close to me know how organized I like the space. I would want to get something easily whenever I need it. I hate spending time looking for items, especially in the morning when I should be doing other important things.
Works Cited
Giuliani, Chiara. “Rooms as Home Spaces: The Bathroom and the Bedroom as Memory Containers.” Home, Memory and Belonging in Italian Postcolonial Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021. 137-167.