Media has played a significant role in shaping the international politics and resolving diplomatic issues. In essence, the discussion will look into the roles of media in international relations and communication in the technology advancement age. In addition, the analysis will avail how the international political battles have shifted from physical and geographical levels to communication and cultural ranks where the modern media has played a major role. However, the media do not have a clear concept of the role they play in international relations and politics (Peter and Hugill 17). In fact, the new concept always explains how the flow of information is managed daily by journalists. Therefore, media play an important role in informing other key players in politics on what is happening in other parts of the world.
It is worth noting that diplomacy began a long time ago when people realized that they could solve issues through structured discussion rather than fighting. Notably, the dialogue paved the way for the modern diplomacy. In fact, whenever there is a conflict in the modern world, most countries tend to sit down and settle their differences diplomatically rather than engaging in conflicts. Consequently, diplomacy has resulted to a more peaceful coexistence amongst nations. In addition, the media have since played the role of diplomacy and spreading the news on international politics. Long ago, warring communities or nations used to send messengers who would take the news to the other party and solve their issue on-one-one interaction. Later as technology evolved, people started using telegraph where the message would be written down and sent to the other party (Peter and Hugill 27). However, this was a faster but a less effective way of resolving issues since people would not experience a face to face encounter, in fact, some thought that this was the end of diplomacy. Consequently, the technology age grew much faster, and there were new ways in which people could communicate. First, the use of the phones was developed where people could communicate when they are far away from each other. Thereafter, television and radio came in and made information accessible to many people. Later, the internet age took over which made the world a global village and people could connect with each other freely at any time.
There has been substantial growth in the information world since the establishment of the international news agency in the nineteenth century which led to faster ways of delivering information thereby, revolutionizing the way we view our daily lives. Indeed, media play the role of delivering news from all over the world in print or through the on television. Therefore, whenever something happens in any part of the world, the information is spread through televisions within minutes. It is worth noting that after the news is delivered, there is always a feedback from the concerned parties urging people to do something to help those affected. For instance, if there is a war between two countries, the media highlights the story where the international community reacts by prompting the nations involved to cease the war and come to the discussion table (Stein 33). Hence, it is evident that the media play a major role in stopping these conflicts or disasters a situation that promotes international diplomacy.
In recent years, global media have continued to prove its importance. As such, most nations competitively engage in a war of public diplomacy through the media in a bid to make their countries look friendly and attractive to other nations. Through the media, these countries set a stage for other nations to understand their position internationally. In fact, the failures and success of diplomacy can only be judged by the audience intended. In addition, the credibility of the media can only be achieved by ensuring that it is independent and does not become biased when reporting. However, we have seen videos, pictures, cartoons that can damage the international relations between nations due to the carelessness and negligence of the media. Therefore, to avert these kinds of incidences, the public and the parties involved should be educated to create awareness and understanding the importance of diplomacy (Taylor, Philip, and Cohen 47). Additionally, the international media have continued to play a major role in expanding a common ground to promote peace and harmony.
The advancement of technology in communication has made it possible for the media to reach almost every part of the world. Hence, the global media have continued to play a significant part in promoting international relations since most policymakers depend on these media outlets for live news coverage. Therefore, the phenomenon provided by the media provides positive effects since it introduces humanitarian and democratic aspects in the making of policies. On the other hand, when journalists are working under pressure, they may report what they see and what their minds interpret without analyzing the situation; hence, making politicians and policy makers respond without carefully analyzing the state of affairs.
Nevertheless, media is the most used platform by governments to convey and conduct diplomatic programs. Indeed, the major media houses have significantly contributed to the process of foreign policy making. In addition, the new media are now turning their attention to the special groups of people who have less sense of denial to ensure that information reaches them too (Taylor, Philip, and Cohen 61).
Due to the growth of mass media, policy makers have continued to utilize the broadcasting for their gains. In fact, the strategists make their stands and positions known on certain issues and publicize their policies. However, some nations refrain from attending some media houses due to their hard and unfavorable stands against them. Particularly, the United States had declined to attend any interviews with Aljazeera, but after the State Departments had started to engage actively with Aljazeera, they realized it was more beneficial to them than dismissing them.
Nevertheless, the international media is not the remedy for diplomacy. As such, without a reliable global media, it would be very difficult to expect positive and effective results. Indeed, to have a reliable media, there is a need to have a great strategy that will yield the required results. Furthermore, it is worth to improve the credibility of the media since it also increases the trust and attracts more audiences.
Limited global media is another challenge that needs to be examined because some parts of the world do not have access to information. Hence they are usually left in the dark on what is happening in the outside world. usually do not know what kind of relations or policies other nations have since they do not have access to information. Therefore, it is important to encourage the diplomats to engage with local media but for this to be achieved, the envoys must be conversant with the local language and have deep knowledge of the local politics (Melissen 39). Hence, the knowledge will go a long way in helping the diplomats participate in TV debates. Therefore, it is imperative for governments to invest heavily in training their diplomats, especially in learning the local languages and political structure.
Ordinarily, the governments all over the world use the media to achieve their diplomatic goals. Henceforth, issues of journalist’s integrity need to be addressed. Notably, during the World War II, almost all nations tuned to BBC to get information on what was happening on the ground since their journalists had a very high integrity and there was media freedom. Ultimately, the BBC has continued to enjoy a high-level audience because of integrity in reporting, especially on international (Melissen 88).
Globally, both private and government-owned broadcasts have greatly increased the number of viewers all over the world. Therefore, the international media have a responsibility and their common goal should focus on highlighting both the positive and negative aspects happening all over the world. Initially, the government broadcasts were only allowed to promote the interests of their host nation. However, as time goes by, the global media have an obligation of ensuring that their reporting is based on the values that apply to everyone irrespective of their nationality. Some of these principles are human rights, peace, the general wellbeing of individuals, and issues that promote international relations, as well as the aspect of co-existence between nations (Jacquie 617).
As it is evident from the above analysis, it may be difficult for the global media to have a program that serves a common goal because of the different viewers who have different religion, cultures, and history. Therefore, individuals should appreciate the role played by the media in informing and most importantly promoting the international relations and helping quelling conflicts amongst nations. Clearly, there exists room for the media to play a positive role in alleviating the resentment that has been there amongst communities and nations all around the world. In essence, the issues arising may not end overnight but with time we will all appreciate the role played by the media in bringing the nations closer (Jacquie 622). Finally, it is clear that the continued growth of the media has positively impacted the relations between nations.