The Islamic State origin can be attributed to the late Musab al-Zarqawi, who was a Jordanian. In 2002, Zarqawi formed al-Jihad a year after American troops invaded Iraq, and later established al-Qaeda in Iraq. In 2006, Zarqawi died, and al-Qaeda established an umbrella organization under the name Islamic States in Iraq (ISIS Fast Facts 1). However, ISI was weakened by American troops and the Sahwa councils (Awakening) formed by Sunni Arabs tribesmen who condemned its brutality. In 2010, Baghdadi became the leader and fortified the group. This was witnessed in 2013 after dozen of attacks was reported in Iraq. In addition, they joined the rebellion against the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad. On April 2013, Baghdadi declared the merger of Syrian and Iraq militia forces and the establishment of ISIS.
The Islamic State movement
In Dec 2013, the group returned back to Iraq and developed a political standoff between the Sunni Arab community who are the minority and the Shia government. In fact, the group aided by the tribesmen took over Falluja, the central City. In the early 2014, ISIS conquered Mosul city and advanced towards Baghdad. By the end of June 2014, the group had consolidated its operations, and many towns and cities were under its leadership. Indeed, ISIS changed its name to Islamic State and announced the formation of the caliphate (What is Islamic State 1).
The concept of Islamic state
The group’s main aim is to establish a state that is ruled by a religious leader, which, according to Sharia or Islamic law, is also known as Caliphate State. In fact, the group is confident to cross over the borders such as Lebanon, Jordan and to free the Palestine. They attract support from other Muslims across the world, although the support is not forthcoming. In addition, they demand all the Muslims to swear allegiance to their leader as a sign of solidarity (Deeb 1).
The Islamic State as a terror group
Indeed, more than eight million people are living under full or partial IS control of this group. The group has implemented strict interpretation of Islamic laws, forcing non-Muslims to convert or pay special taxes. Additionally, they force women to wear veils and subject them to inhumane punishments that include executions and floggings.
In particular, the ISIS group members are Jihadists who profess extreme interpretation of Sunni Islam. They consider themselves as the only true believers and the whole world as full of unbelievers who want to destroy Islam. Therefore, their attack to non-Muslims and Muslims of the contrary religious standpoints is anchored on that premise.
Notably, the group is characterized by mass shootings, crucifixions, and beheading of their presumed enemies. The group justifies those heinous acts by quoting the Koranic verses such as “striking off the heads of unbelievers”. On the contrary, fellow Muslims have denounced them and warned them of their brutality to the innocent people. In fact, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri condemned their aristocracy in Syria and stated that such brutality loses.
In conclusion, the Islamic State does not represent Islamic principles in any way. They have defied the holy book which states “Whosoever performs good deeds, female or male, and is a believer, we shall surely make him live a good life. Allah certainly rewards them for the best of what they did.” (Qur’an, An-Nahl 16:97). This extract from the Holy Koran confirms that a good deed brings a better life. Therefore, the brutality performed by this terror group has only brought destruction to men and women, and no reward is expected from Allah (Deeb 1).
Works Cited
“ISIS Fast Facts.” Cable News Network, September 23, 2014. Web. 1 October 2014. <>.
“What is Islamic State?” British Broadcasting Corporation, 26 September 2014.Web. 1 Oct. 2014.
Deeb, Sarah. Islamic State? No, call it QSIS, says top Islamic authority in Egypt, August 25, 2014. Web. 1 October 2014.<>.
Selected Quotes from the Koran.” Selected Quotes from the Koran. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Oct. 2014. <>.
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