As human beings grow, they encounter various experiences in life. The continuum of transpersonal involvements is categorized into extraordinary, daily, and exceptional experiences (Friedman and Hartelius 333). Friedman and Hartelius explain that the outstanding human experience (EHEs), such as death related, healing, desolations, and mystical, is essential and beneficial to the growth of an individual (333). Although transpersonal practices vary from ordinary to exceptional, they render transformative growth to an individual leading to psychological stability.
An individual life correlates with various transpersonal experiences. As a student, I can relate to an extraordinary encounter of healing that was beyond scientific intelligence. The healing occurred after an illness that almost overwhelmed medical intervention. Although the doctors’ advice was firm on taking medication, they were notably perplexed at the speed of the recovery and the disappearance of the symptoms since the healing process was somewhat divine. Therefore, I can relate to the EHEs through an extraordinary healing experience.
EHEs processes can be nurtured to provide meaning and lead to greater understanding and fulfillment. Friedman and Hartelius illustrate that based on how anomalous experiences (AE) are handled, they can be changed to an exceptional experience (EE) and eventually into a meaningful phenomenon (340). I learned that what seemed as an AE became more useful when I developed trust and belief in a supreme power beyond human control. According to Friedman and Hartelius, human experience has the propensity to define one’s identity (430). Therefore, although validity in the experiences is met with skepticism, the realities achieved go beyond ordinary perceptions to establish firmness and acceptance of the experience.
Transpersonal experiences affect how a person lives since they realign the beliefs and focus of an individual. Having a paranormal or transcendent experience defines one’s approach and influences the beliefs and practices of positive social ideologies and religious perceptions. The inclination changes lifestyle and develops concern in spiritual matters, hence achieves a sense of well-being.
Work Cited
Friedman, Harris L., and Glenn Hartelius. The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Transpersonal Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, 2015, pp. 1-691.