Question 1: Purpose
I am conducting the research to establish how COVID-19 and social distancing policies have affect children and adolescents, especially in the area of socialization.
Question 2: Hypotheses
The hypothesis that the study will test is that COVID-19 and social distancing policies have negative effects on the socialization of children and adolescents, leading to mental health issues, such as stress and anxiety.
Question 3: Anticipated Findings
The study expects to affirm the hypothesis that COVID-19 and social distancing policies have negative effects on the socialization of children and adolescents, leading to mental health issues, such as stress and anxiety.
Question 4: Age of Participants
Participants in the study will be between 8 and 19 years, who have cognitive capacity to respond to interview questions.
Question 5: Anticipated Number of Participants
Since the research will involve time to observe and interview the children, only a sample of 20 participants will be studied conclusively.
Question 6: Setting
Participants will be recruited from a neighborhood in a school district where schools have been closed following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Question 7: Relationship to the Participants
The relationship with the participants includes being from the same neighborhood since I will draw all participants from my immediate community.
Question 8: Recruitment
I will use a convenient sampling method based on the willingness of the parent to allow me to access their home and interview their children. Find attached a copy of the script used to request permission.
I am ***************, a student at ************** under the supervision of *****************.
I am conducting research about the effect of COVID-19 and social distancing policies on children and adolescents. I would wish to receive your consent for your child to engage in the study at home. I will observe the child and later ask some questions. However, the study does not involve any risk of harm, but only benefit the academic community in the wake of the new coronavirus. I will do everything I can to protect your privacy. All information will remain confidential and I will not use personal identifiers, such as names.
Question 9: Compensation
Question 10: What Participants will do
The participants will be required to give around 45 minutes to 1 hour of the interview (find attached an interview schedule), but the participant will spend five hours a day observing each participant.
Interview Schedule
- Code _________________________
- Gender ________________________
- Age __________________________
- Which school do you attend?
- You are in which grade?
- Are you still attending school?
- If yes, why did you stop attending school?
- Do you miss going to school?
- Do you miss your peers?
- What is the thing you miss the most?
- Are you stressed about not going to school and not being with your friends?
- Do you go out to play?
- If no, how do you feel about it?
- Would you want schools to be reopened?
- Have spoken to someone about how you feel?
Question 11: Data Collection Method
I will collect date using a face-to-face interview and observation of children who are out of school due to COVID-19 and the social distancing policies.
Question 12: Data Storage Location and Duration
I will collect and record data using field notes then key into a word processing program on the laptop for analysis and storage. The data will be available for more a minimum of three years.
Question 13: Data Destruction
I will destroy the data by deleting it from the computer systems if need be.
Question 14: Informed Consent
I will provide participants with a written request to participate and allow them to make the decision whether to agree or refuse.
Question 15: Risks of Participation
Although the study does not involve any major risk to the participants, it is sensitive considering the age of participants. Besides, it could cause psychological distress during the uncertain period of the COVID-19 crisis. I will minimize the risk by avoiding sensitive question, such as loss of loved ones from the disease.
Question 16: Benefits
The research has potential benefits, such as to determine the possible mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to propose possible support to affected children and adolescents.
Question 17: Ethical Concerns
Ethical concerns in the study include the age of the participants, which necessitates the consent of their parents, confidentiality, and privacy.
Informed Parental Consent Form
I wish to invite you and your child to participate in study conducted by ***************, a student at ***************, under the supervision of professor ******************.
The study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s socialization. Children will be studied as they go about with their usual activities during the day and later interviewed regarding the effect of social isolation on their socialization process.
I agree to the researcher using my child in the research, but withholding his/her real name from the report.
__________________________________ Signature I agree to have you collect data from my child during the study.
I understand that the findings will only be used for the purpose of research and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the study.