Light Electrica is a medium sized business that deals with selling of electrical and electronic equipment. The business is located in the Middle East, and it has three main shareholders. We are seeking to expand the operations globally. Currently, the business has physical stores where interested clients can visit and purchase the products they need. Therefore, to understand the best-suited approach, three business models will be discussed in an attempt to find the best-suited method that will propel the business toward the global expansion.
The idea of starting the electrical and electronics business was conceptualized when a gap was noted in the market where people needed to purchase the products at a cheaper price within a single business establishment. The idea made it easier for clients to buy what they needed easily. It is possible to expand the business as it has performed well in the Middle East. However, the business has faced several challenges due the emergence of fake and cheaper products that has greatly affected the sales. Despite such shortcomings, the company still experience returning customers who refer more people to the firm, and hence ensuring growth due to our quality products.
As indicated earlier, the company operates physical stores in several locations in the Middle East. Under these stores, the customers are able to visit, view, and purchase the products they need. Nonetheless, the business goal is to expand its operations globally. Therefore, it is important for the business to have an online platform to reach more clients. The online business commonly known as the e-business is faced with several challenges, especially securing of the company and the customer’s data. Still, there are several business models, which the business can employ and achieve its goals, including brick and mortar, e-business, and e-commerce.
Brick and Mortar
This type of business model refers to businesses or organizations that operate in physical building and structures. The business has retail stores or warehouses in which they operate. In this type of business, the customers come face-to-face with the business, and they are able to see, touch, and feel the product they wish to purchase (Agnihotri, 2015). Under this type of business, the risk of loss of customer data is not high. Nonetheless, to keep the customer’s data safe, it is important not to store any customer data. In this case, it is only the verification process should take place, especially the payment details (Arabnia and Akhgar, 2013). In addition, it is essential to limit the number of employees who can access the customer’s data. Lastly, it is crucial to stay updated with the recent threats and ensure you have the latest cybersecurity feature.
E-business is also known as online business where trade between individuals, organizations, and groups takes place on an online platform. The e-business can be a mixture of both brick and mortar and e-commerce. The online trade takes advantage of the internet and advertises goods and services on the internet where they can meet potential customers (Guo, 2010). However, in this type of business model, there is a high risk of customer data being stolen as the business is online based. To protect the client information, it is important to employ strong security layers and carry out regular intrusion tests. It is crucial to have a safe web hosting that is highly encrypted, thus ensuring data security (Arabnia and Akhgar, 2013). In addition, it is crucial to avoid storing any customer billing information.
E-commerce and e-business have been confused in most cases, and people have used them interchangeably. However, e-commerce is a narrower approach compared to e-business since it involves only selling and buying of products. E-commerce is conducted online where it involves business to customers (B2C). Customers purchase goods where the business sells them from one end. This model does not involve business-to-business exchanging goods as seen in e-business (Meng, 2010). Nevertheless, given that one has to register in order to carry out any transaction online, there is usually a high risk of losing the client’s information. However, to avert this vice, it is important to use secure website hosting, use multiple security layers, and limit the number of employees who have access to customer’s data. It is also advisable to update the passwords regularly, especially if an employee leaves the company. It is crucial to hire an expert who has experience in information technology security (Arabnia and Akhgar, 2013). Lastly, in case of breach of data, it is important to inform the customer so that they may take the necessary actions to protect themselves.
The Best Model for Global Expansion
Expansion of business is crucial, as it will ensure a wider market, thus an increase in revenue and profits. To expand the operations, business may employ several models to reach a wider market. However, these models should ensure that the business and customer’s information is secure in order to make sure that clients feel comfortable and safe while making any transaction. For the expansion of Light Electrica, the best model to adopt would be an e-business. Given that the enterprise targets individual customers and businesses, an e-business model would work well for the company. Electronic business will reach more clients as the growth of technology has made it easier for people to access and buy goods online. Although the business is under the risk of losing crucial data, the company would limit the access to customer’s data, encryption of data, and use of secure web host to ensure that the information and client’s data remains safe.
Light Elecrica seeks to expand its operations and become a global company that supplies, electrical and electronic equipment all over the world. Given the several business models discussed, the best approach to adopt would be e-business, which is best suited to reach the global markets. Despite the cybersecurity threats involved, the company is going to utilize the necessary security features to ensure data safety, which will increase customer confidence in using our services and this will play a significant role in the growth of the business.