Big data as a field plays a critical role in the modern information age in numerous sectors, including health care. Providers generate data in the course of their work and when interacting with different parties in the system, such as patients (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2017). Although it has some benefits in health care, big data exhibits various challenges and risks that should be addressed to enhance its usage when serving patients.
Big data helps nurses and other health care providers to understand the patient before beginning treatment. For example, they collect data about the patient’s medical history to understand the types of tests to conduct and the treatment approach to provide based on unique patient demographics (Raghupathi & Raghupathi, 2014). Regardless of the benefit, a significant challenge of using big data exists. Lack of standardization in the collection and management of big data in health care settings is a considerable drawback for health care providers (Rutherford, 2008). For instance, across the health care facility, different providers generate and use diverse types of data. A nurse collects and uses a different kind of data from doctors and other physicians. The challenge can be resolved by creating effective information systems to support the collection, processing, and management of big data. Such a system will allow standardization because each provider will collect, store, and retrieve data from a centralized system to support the caregiving process (Rutherford, 2008). Hence, healthcare providers will use precise information to make decisions regarding patient care.
Big data is playing a pivotal role in decision-making regarding caregiving in healthcare facilities. Besides, the field ensures that care providers understand more aspects of a patient. However, it has a drawback due to the lack of standardization across the health care facility. Therefore, nurse executives and other leaders should implement effective information systems to standardize the collection and management of big data.