Canas, K., & Sondak, H. (2013). Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity. New York: Pearson Higher Ed.
The book contains essential insights into the positive and negative sides of diversity in the workplace. Canas and Sondak (2013) aver that effective management of diversity, including creating a diversity climate in the workplace achieves positive outcomes. The source is relevant to research on diversity management in contemporary organizations.
Chrobot-Mason, D., & Aramovich, N. P. (2013). The psychological benefits of creating an affirming climate for workplace diversity. Group & Organization Management, 38(6), 659-689.
Chrobot-Mason and Aramovich (2013) investigate the benefits and drawbacks of diversity in organizations. The authors provide the evidence to show the role of effective management diversity in enjoying the benefits of diversity. Hence, the article provides insights into the study on the role of proper management of diversity to increase productivity in multicultural settings. Chrobot-Mason and Aramovich (2013) reveal that effective management of diversity, including creating a diversity climate in the workplace achieves the positive outcomes. The article is relevant to research on diversity management in contemporary organizations.
Fitzsimmons, S. R. (2013). Multicultural employees: A framework for understanding how they contribute to organizations. Academy of Management Review, 38(4), 525-549.
Organizations are increasingly facing the reality of a multicultural workforce. Fitzsimmons (2013) investigates the potential of a diverse workforce to achieve organizational success and contribute to competitive advantage if effectively managed. Hence, the article provides significant information for the research on the application of diversity management to take advantage of multicultural teams.
Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. (2015). Understanding and managing diversity: Readings, cases, and exercises. New York: Pearson.
The book covers applications to explain the challenges inherent in diverse workplaces, and how the differences can be used to benefit the organization. Harvey and Allard (2015) provide students with relevant information on the theory and practical aspects of diversity management. The source is a significant source of information to understand the practicality of managing diversity for the benefit of an organization.
Koppelman, K. L. (2016). Understanding human differences: Multicultural education for a diverse America. New York: Pearson.
The book contains the outcome of research on behavioral and social aspects of multicultural education in contemporary society. Koppelman (2016) focuses on culture, the individual, and institutions in explaining the strategies to gain effectiveness in a multicultural workplace. The book covers various aspects of diversity, including racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, and ableism and how they affect management, hence providing relevant information for the study.
Lisak, A., & Erez, M. (2015). Leadership emergence in multicultural teams: The power of global characteristics. Journal of World Business, 50(1), 3-14.
Lisak and Erez (2015) investigate the role of leadership in multicultural and diverse organizations. Leaders require cross-cultural skills and competence to manage the multicultural and diverse human resource effectively to achieve a high level of productivity. The article relates to the importance of leaders with the ability to run multicultural workplaces, hence relevant to the study research.
Prato, G. B. (Ed.). (2016). Beyond multiculturalism: views from anthropology. Routledge.
Prato (2016) considers the challenges involved in working in multicultural and diverse organizations, especially for minority workers. According to the author, it is imperative to understand the issues to create inclusive workplaces. The book relates to the research paper from the perspective of the negative side of multiculturalism and remedies to ensure inclusiveness.
Rattan, A., & Ambady, N. (2013). Diversity ideologies and intergroup relations: An examination of colorblindness and multiculturalism. European Journal of Social Psychology, 43(1), 12-21.
Rattan and Ambady (2013) reviewed the topic of colorblindness and multiculturalism to establish the significance of the awareness about diversity in the workplace and its impact on the performance outcomes of firms. The study revealed the influence of colorblindness and multiculturalism on intergroup conflicts. The investigation relates to the topic as it relates to the factors that might affect intergroup conflicts and how the challenge can be tackled.
Rice, M. F. (2015). Diversity and public administration. ME Sharpe.
Modern-day organizations have experienced diversity in the workplace as they bring together employees from different countries and regions. Rice (2015) investigates the role of a firm in ensuring effective management in a diverse workforce to achieve organizational objectives. The study is relevant to the research as it relates to the potential for companies to benefit from diverse workforce through effective management.
Youssef-Morgan, C. M., & Hardy, J. (2014). A positive approach to multiculturalism and diversity management in the workplace. In Perspectives on the intersection of multiculturalism and positive psychology (pp. 219-233). Springer, Dordrecht.
Youssef-Morgan and Hardy (2014) argue that competitive advantage is no longer dependent on logistics, but on the ability of employers to manage diversity within the global economy. The authors propose a positive approach to multiculturalism and diversity management to gain a competitive advantage for global companies. The information is relevant to diversity management in firms.